Ever since the day the powers appeared, crime has ruled the streets of Scum City. As the conniving villains grow stronger and stronger, and the heroes find themselves walloped rath...
How a Healthy Hentai Administers Public Service is an erotic comedy developed by CLOCKUP, where we follow the daily life of Jin Sintani, the precinct's newest sex officer charged w...
The romantic noir visual novel The Restless Sheep & The Lone Wolf returns to Kabukicho in this unhinged simul-quel. Me, Azami, and the whole ragtag gang rampage through five all-ne...
In this twisted love story of a visual novel by CLOCKUP, an insomniac must decide whether to protect his position as a yakuza bigwig’s pet killer or the mysterious woman who can pu...
In this twisted love story of a visual novel by CLOCKUP, an insomniac must decide whether to protect his position as a yakuza bigwig’s pet killer or the mysterious woman who can pu...