UberSoldier is a World War II-based first person shooter, developed by Burut and released in 2006. UberSoldier follows the journey of the fictitious Karl Stolz, a Nazi soldier who...
Cannon Fodder 3 is a tactical action-strategy war game, and is the sequel to the 90's game Cannon Fodder. 500 conscripts are sent to meet their destiny. What awaits them? A general...
A tightly knit group of SS generals and officers, involved in the most heinous and dark deeds, is seeking a way to save the remnants of the Third Empire. They have conspired to mov...
M.I.A.: Mission in Asia is a first-person shooter video game. The game is set during the war in South Ossetia during the summer of 2008, from a Russian perspective.
Heath: The Unchosen Path is a turn-based RPG. The main character is Heath who received powers from the gods and the game is set in GoldenLand with about 35 different locations. Dur...
In the middle of the 16th century, the Great Polish Kingdom enters its golden age. Being the major power in Europe of that time, Poland invades Ukraine, seizes its lands and enslav...
Zlatogorye 2 is a representative of the RPG genre, with a large game world and turn-based combat. The game has a developed role-playing system, branched storyline, consisting of a...
Get ready for an epic World War II adventure like no other with UberSoldier! Immerse yourself in a gripping first-person shooter that will transport you to the heart of the action....