Meiji Tokyo Renka is a Japanese visual novel produced by Mages, with character design and art provided by Karu. The series follows Mei Ayazuki, a high school girl who is sent back...
Spin-off of Uta no Prince-sama, of which characters are in A class in the main series. The game has addition plot of main story line, and contains mini games of new songs.
The game features a total of 24 characters from the series, both Eva units and Angels, from Neon Genesis Evangelion battling each other in an all-out royale. The game is a side-scr...
In Ayanami Raising Project, the player takes on the role of a NERV officer who has just been assigned to Tokyo-3. Upon meeting with Commander Gendo Ikari, he is charged with taking...
Kamigami no Asobi InFinite, abbreviated as KamiAso IF, is a Japanese otome game published by Broccoli (company). It was released in Japan on April 21, 2016 for the PlayStation Port...
In Ayanami Raising Project, the player takes on the role of a NERV officer who has just been assigned to Tokyo-3. Upon meeting with Commander Gendo Ikari, he is charged with taking...
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel 2nd (新世紀エヴァンゲリオン鋼鉄のガールフレンド 2nd Shinseiki Evangerion Kōtetsu no Gārufurendo 2nd, lit. Neon Genesis Evangelion Girlf...
It's been a year and a half since Nanami Haruka graduated from Saotome Shining's school of performing arts. Having signed with Shining Studios, Nanami is constantly looking for her...
Spin-off of Uta no Prince-sama, of which characters are in A class in the main series. The game has addition plot of main story line, and contains mini games of new songs.
Di Gi Charat Fantasy is a visual novel adventure game developed and published by Broccoli. The PC version was released on February 22, 2001 and the Dreamcast version was released o...
Detective Evangelion (Meitantei Evangelion), an adventure/strategy PS2 game published by Broccoli, follows Shinji Ikari, a detective hired by Nerv, as he attempts to uncover the tr...
In a city somewhere in modern day Japan the protagonist 'Ichigo' is drugged, put in a case and taken to a certain place. When she wakes up she is somewhere normal people can't ente...
Third music game of Uta no Prince-sama series, with new songs from the franchise.
Di Gi Charat Fantasy Excellent is a port of Di Gi Charat Fantasy for PlayStation 2.
Kamigami no Asobi: Ludere Deorum, abbreviated as KamiAso, is a Japanese otome game published by Broccoli (company). It was released in Japan on October 24, 2013 for the PlayStation...
Playstation 2 game based on the manga and anime series Chobits. Story centers on a 17 year old guy by the name of Hideki Motosuwa, he resides in an alternate universe of sorts tha...
Based on the Drama CD series by Broccoli. Who killed Blue Robin? There is a mansion in the town where both of the protagonists (Rei & Akira) grew up in that is known as the Manor...
Based on the Drama CD series by Broccoli. Who killed Blue Robin? There is a mansion in the town where both of the protagonists (Rei & Akira) grew up in that is known as the Manor...