Прошло 100 лет с тех пор, как ядерные боеголовки уничтожили Землю, и 40 лет с тех пор, как воинственные Выжившие вылезли из своих подземных бункеров, чтобы бороться с мутировавшими...
Battle Chess was developed by Interplay as their first project after severing ties with Electronic Arts. They designed it for the Amiga in 1988, and it was released on the majority...
An on-rails light-gun shooter produced for the Arcade by Midway, based on the 1991 film of the same name. The home versions were titled T2: The Arcade Game to distance themselves f...
This game is based entirely on the first Star Wars movie, Episode IV: A New Hope. The opening of the game features an animated cinematic of the opening scene of the film. After tha...
KKnD, or Krush, Kill 'n' Destroy is a real-time strategy games in the KKnD series. The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic setting, where two factions are fighting for control o...
Enter your television to defeat the evil Rez by collecting remotes to open worlds inside your tv. You are a gecko with all the usual platform hero skills such as jump, fire and clo...
Lost Vikings 2 is a side-scrolling platform adventure in which the player alternates control of three of the five playable characters, guiding each of them one at a time from a des...
Super Pac-Man is a game in Namco's Pac-Man family, but instead of gobbling up dots, Pac is required to eat fruit and prizes, such as apples, bunches of bananas, doughnuts, hamburge...
Shadowrun, based on the pen-and-paper RPG of the same name, is a futuristic sci-fi/fantasy game, taking inspiration from Neuromancer, Blade Runner, and other cyberpunk stories.
Discover Kung-Fu: The Way of the Exploding Fist (also known as Way of the Exploding Fist, The Way of the Exploding Fist), an excellent game of 1985 runnable on Amstrad CPC system....
Based on the French comic heroes Asterix & Obelix, the game is a side-scrolling beat-em up developed by Krome Studios in 1986
Become a master of this mysterious ancient art; progress from novice to Tenth Dan and test your strength and discipline. 18 different manoeuvres including blocks, flying kicks, leg...
Bug! is a platformer where you play as a bug who must go through 6 worlds in order to rescue his family who has been kidnapped.
Back to the Future Part II & III is the sequel to the original Back to the Future game, and is based loosely off of the second and third films of the popular Back to the Future mov...
Inspector Gadget and the Circus of Fear is a video game based on the television show of the same name.
Bigfoot is a monster-truck racing game developed by Beam Software Company for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
CAESARS PALACE brings casino gambling at its finest to the PlayStation. Start out with $1,000 and try to turn it into a million playing Baccarat, Roulette, Craps, Blackjack, and sl...
True Lies is a top-view action shooting game based on the 1994 film of the same title that was developed by Beam Software and published by Acclaim and LJN. Four different versions...
Released as a sequel to The Hobbit, this game was released outside of North America as Lord of the Rings: Game One.
In 3017, when Herras Ragen was 12, his father Colonel Joseph T. Ragen, a soldier in the House Davion army, was working to infiltrate and destroy a renegade mercenary cartel called...
A ground breaking text-adventure video game based on J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit.
Back to the Future is a Nintendo Entertainment System game developed by Beam Software and loosely modeled after the popular film of the same name. It was followed by a sequel game...
Bad Street Brawler was developed by Beam Software in 1987 for the Amiga, Commodore 64, MS-DOS, and the Nintendo Entertainment System. It was one of two games that were designed for...
Slam through ten wild levels of jammin' jungles, freaked-out forests, haunted dino-graveyards, piranha-infested underwater caverns - and inside a giant dinosaur.
In 1982 Tang also produced Horace Goes Skiing. In it, Horace must cross a dangerous road teeming with traffic to rent out a pair of skis, à la Frogger, get back over the road and s...
Penetrator is an early Sinclair ZX Spectrum game made by Melbourne House programmers Philip Mitchell and Veronika Megler, one of the early hits. It was released in 1982 as a clone...
The Shadows of Mordor is an officially licensed J.R.R. Tolkien Lord of the Rings text adventure game based on the second part of the trilogy - The Two Towers. You can select to pl...
The Punisher is a 1990 video game developed by Beam Software and released by LJN, which stars the Marvel Comics anti-hero, the Punisher. It is one of the few NES rail shooters. In...