Sequel to the original Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation. This is a free-to-play team battle action game based on the Mobile Suit Gundam series of the Universal Century. Become...
Digimon World: Next Order - это предстоящая ролевая игра Digimon. История игры сосредоточена вокруг двух потенциальных главных героев: японских старшеклассников третьего курса Таку...
The fates of warriors X-cross once again in a new world. The crossover of robots from different series in the world of “Al-Warth,” Super Robot Wars X is now out on STEAM! Guided by...
30 years on, the battle for our world's future continues. Super Robot Wars is a tactical RPG that brings characters and robots from a variety of mecha anime together to battle thei...
This is the sequel to Queen's Blade: Spiral Chaos. It features returning game exclusive characters Jean and Cute, and introduces a new heroine, Maron Makaron. It also features char...
Full Metal Panic! Fight! Who Dares Wins is a strategy RPG game for PS4.
Can you imagine Digimon and humans living together and participating in Digital Card Battles? It sounds impossible, but you'd better believe it! Full of intense strategy and hardco...
Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation is a free-to-play multiplayer team action game for the PlayStation 3.
Like Z2, the third and final chapter in the Super Robot Taisen Z tactical RPG series is split into two parts, starting with Jigoku-hen (Time Prison Chapter). The game features mobi...
Super Robot Wars V is a tactical role-playing game developed by B.B. Studio and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita. Released as part...
Standalone DLC, released with first editions of Z3.2. Contains 15 scenarios for the Z only OG characters.
This entry for the famed tactical strategy RPG is breaking away from it's usual fare; Super Robot Taisen OG Infinite Battle is a third person shooting game! Infinite Battle is the...
Super Robot Taisen T is a simulation RPG with various robots crossing-over from different works to fight against common enemies.
This game is the 2nd part of the 3rd game of the Z series and is considered to be its conclusion.
An Original Generation entry of the Super Robot Taisen series for PlayStation 3 and 4.
Dai-2-ji Super Robot Taisen Z: Saisei-hen, yet another game in Namco Bandai's Super Robot Wars series, is the immediate sequel to Super Robot Wars Z2: Hakai-hen. Despite its billi...
Take a trip down memory lane and relive the magical times of the 8-Bit era with a collection of Namco’s hits and long-lost treasures in Namco Museum Archives Volume 2.
Take a trip down memory lane and relive the magical times of the Nintendo Entertainment System with a collection of Namco’s hits and long-lost treasures in Namco Museum Archives Vo...