Introducing an epic new role playing saga from the minds of renowned RPG visionaries. When an entire village is “spirited away” by an unknown malevolence, only one hero remains to...
Yoshi's Island DS is a 2D platformer for the Nintendo DS in the Yoshi's Island series. It is the sequel to Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, where Kamek and the Toadies have kid...
Vampire Rain - это стелс-видеоигра в жанре ужасов на выживание, разработанная компанией Artoon. Она была выпущена для Xbox 360 в Японии 25 января 2007 года и в Северной Америке 3 и...
Blinx: The Time Sweeper is a platform game developed by Artoon and published by Microsoft Game Studios. It was released for the Xbox on October 7, 2002. A sequel, Blinx 2: Masters...
Blinx 2: Masters of Time & Space continues the adventures of Blinx, a heroic cat with the ability to make time slow, fast-forward, rewind, or stop. In this sequel, Blinx and his sq...
Vampire Rain: Altered Species is a Playstation 3 port of Vampire Rain. Gameplay is in the third person, and involves a lot stealth play, similar to the Splinter Cell and Metal Gea...
An action-packed sword combat game from Marvelous, with hyper-active, high-flying battling focusing on air combat action (including Sword Time for intense juggling airborne combos....
Hironobu Sakaguchi, the Father of the Final Fantasy series, and Artoon present the world of Blue Dragon on Xbox 360. Featuring the character design of Akira Toriyama, the Father of...
The game is set on the fictional Suthon Island. It is said to hold the power to protect the world from harm, which it was protected by a large palm tree and watched over by the nat...
In Yoshi Topsy-Turvy, Yoshi Island has been turned into a picture book. Yoshi will not stand for this outlandish attempt at flattening his world, and he heads off on an adventure t...
The Japanese-only sequel to Pinobee.
Echoshift is a franchise spin-off of the previously released PlayStation Network title echochrome.
Pinobee: Wings of Adventure takes full advantage of Game Boy Advance's 32-bit color graphics. From Pinobee's fluid animation to the detailed environments he explores, it's obvious...
Experience echoshift originally released on the PSP system, enhanced with up-rendering, rewind, quick save, and custom video filters. The Walker’s life is stuck on repeat. Our her...