You play an Uplink Agent who makes a living by performing jobs for major corporations. Your tasks involve hacking into rival computer systems, stealing research data, sabotaging ot...
The world of Darwinia is a virtual themepark, running entirely inside a computer network and populated by a sentient evolving life form called the Darwinians. Unfortunately Darwini...
Escape Velocity Nova (a.k.a. EV Nova or EVN) is a video game by Ambrosia Software, in collaboration with ATMOS. It is the third game in the Escape Velocity series of space trading...
Bubble Trouble's world is filled with lusciously-drawn cartoony critters who give that cranky crab from The Little Mermaid a run for his money. But money isn't what you'll be runni...
An action-packed arcade game based on the classic shoot-em-up, Centipede, but with engaging, colorful animations and fun, wacky sounds. It was released exclusively for the Mac ope...
A JezzBall clone with delightful gameplay additions and beautiful artwork. Official description: Barrack's goal is deceptively simple; there are a number of balls on the play fi...
Harry the Handsome Executive is a shareware action game published by Ambrosia Software. Players must slip into the modestly priced loafers of Harry (the handsome executive) as he p...
A shareware multiplayer mech combat game for the Mac from Ambrosia Software.