This fighting game began the story of the Sakazaki family and Robert Garcia. Yuri Sakazaki has been abducted by Mr. Big to punish her father, Takuma, and her brother, Ryo. To rescu...
Cyber-core is a vertically scrolling shooter in which the player fights insects. The basic idea is traditional: shooting everything before they can shoot/touch the player: after th...
Sparks flare around the man all five sisters wish to claim. Introducing the new vertical scrolling shooter game! The first new game in 12 years from Alfa System, the team that bro...
Horizontal shoot 'em up for the PC Engine. The player, as cyber-diver Syd, must fly his hoverbike through the future city of Kabukicho to rescue his partner Deva from the corrupt p...
A FMV adventure set in the caves of Dun-Huang. A trap was set for a terrible demon. The trap worked all too well as it also trapped the stone cutters that built the trap in the wal...
Psychic Storm is a vertically scrolling shoot-em-up in which the player takes the role of four characters who must protect Neo Hong Kong City from an assault by vicious insectoid a...
In this sequel to Down Load, the player once again takes control of Syd, a young cyber diver - a highly trained agent who is able to infiltrate the cyber world, a virtual reality n...
Follow the adventures of the rowdy princess of the Silver Bell Kingdom, Rouge, in this PS2 RPG.