Spark Joy! is a storybook puzzle game that takes players through the joyful journey of tidying using the KonMari Method in the form of solving different puzzles. A heartwarming sto...
Tales of Link was a mobile game with a puzzle combat system instead of a variation on the Linear Motion Battle System (LMBS) the series is known for. The combat involved linking un...
315 Lives are the main feature of the game and require LP items to perform. During a Live, rhythm icons move towards a cursor and must be tapped, held, or swiped. During the perfor...
Experience a classic Japanese RPG for a modern age! Romancing SaGa Re; univerSe will be available soon! Pre-register now! Discover for yourself why the SaGa series is beloved by R...
HoneyWorks Premium Live is a rhythm game based around the popular 'Confession Executive Committee' series. Songs and characters from the original story as well as other sub-franchi...
A new entry of the Atelier series makes it way to mobile and PC! Venture into the lands of Lantana and experience the story of Resna crafted by renowned writer Takahiro. The projec...
Tribe Nine is an Extreme Action RPG where groups of teens will endure multiple losses and devise strategies to overcome formidable foes. Dive into a crazy adventure with unique cha...