This is a fan disc of Akatsuki no Goei, featuring six short stories. The game includes a Reika & Kyouka story, Tsuki story, Aya story, Moe story, Tae story, and an Anzu story focus...
The final game in the Akatsuki no Goei Trilogy. With helicopters in the air and thousands of police surrounding the ‘forbidden area’, where those who aren’t recognized as humans r...
The Eroge Akatsuki no Goei is the first of the trilogy in the series of the same name. The game follows Asagari Kaito as he becomes a bodyguard to the stuck up Nikaidou Reika.
Shukugawa Meguri is afflicted with an illness called the “Oumon” disease. At this point in time, nobody knows its cause, and there’s no real treatment for it yet. The only option w...