The game revolves around navigating a main character named Dude from the third-person perspective about a secret landscape under his bed in search of a lost slipper. The game is in...
Something’s not right in DinerTown! Help Bernie the Bookworm become a real detective as you hunt for vital clues in major mysteries like who stuck their finger in all the jelly don...
Prepare to go on a fantastic journey which will take you from damp prehistoric forests, to the sultry deserts of ancient Egypt, to dirty Wild West saloons, and luxurious medieval c...
Delve up the darkest secrets of mystical city and unravel the web of intrigues!
Are you a big fan of platform games? Can your nerves tolerate a high level of difficulty? If your answer is yes, then get your jumping skills ready for a new Super Meat Boy and Def...
How far will you go to return your one and the only? Can you cheat death? Save the residents of a remote town where you ended up chance before the ancient evil takes up your soul i...
The most extraordinary hidden object casual game! An unknown event dated back at the turn of the common era affected the timeline and caused the two worlds collide. Now you must st...
Sky to Fly: Soulless Leviathan is a sequel to the legendary steampunk action runner. Upon learning of the impending attack on Vetropolis, the main hero has decided to become an Age...
Stop the blood rite before something darker than the myth itself comes to live in Bathory: The Bloody Countess, a haunted hidden object adventure game.
Bubble Shooter is an arcade puzzle game developed by Absolutist Ltd. for desktop computers and later ported to phones. It is largely a clone of the Japanese arcade game Puzzle Bobb...
Sky to Fly: Faster Than Wind is a stunningly beautiful steampunk-themed runner about saving a sky-city from cruel pirates. Play on 20+ different levels, upgrade your ship and disco...
City of Fools has a completely nonlinear storyline, and a plethora of interesting details. The game features about 500 amusing locations, numerous hidden object scenes, 10 incredib...
Plunge deep in a whirlwind adventure with Time Gap hidden object mystery game. Unravel wonderful facts about Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, Napoleon, Lincoln and Einstein as you t...
Play cooperatively with friends, race head-to-head to complete a puzzle first, or try the new battle mode in which completing a line, row, or square will remove numbers from your o...