The Idolmaster: Shiny Festa is a series of three Japanese rhythm video games. The games are part of The Idolmaster series of games, and were originally released as Honey Sound, Fun...
The Idolmaster: Shiny Festa is a series of three Japanese rhythm video games. The games are part of The Idolmaster series of games, and were originally released as Honey Sound, Fun...
An entry in the popular idol management series from Bandai Namco. Melodic Disc is a port of the unlocalized PSP game with rhythm gameplay altered for touch and graphical enhancemen...
An entry in the popular idol management series from Bandai Namco. Funky Note is the original PSP release from Japan, while Rhythmic Record is the worldwide version, with rhythm gam...
The Idolmaster: Shiny Festa is a series of three Japanese rhythm video games. The games are part of The Idolmaster series of games, and were originally released as Honey Sound, Fun...