The Company of Myself is a story about a hermit.
You are a robot in an office building. You have to eat furniture and not get caught. A mysterious story unfolds. Not The Robots is this year’s most exciting Roguelike Stealth Furni...
A short game where you take strange lawn-mowing requests and eventually get yourself into some big trouble.
YFYIAR is the drunken uncle of text-based adventures: Abusive, abrasive, and maybe a little funny. Use your keyboard to enter commands. Use your brain to demonstrate that you’re mo...
Clear out the viruses that are infecting a chronically depressed AI. Buy upgrades, shoot bad guys, and ponder where the cutoff lies for being considered a living thing.
A game for people who like strange mysteries and puzzle solving. This is a Work of Fiction is a game dedicated to conspiracy-theory websites, like the old one about the time cube...
Fixation is a prequel to The Company of Myself. It is a puzzle platformer that focuses on smoky mechanics, like activating a switch by bouncing a smoke ring off of a wall. It also...