Comanche 2 (1995)
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Comanche 2 (1995)

Дата выхода: 1995
Жанры От 1-го лица, Симулятор, Экшен, Война
Платформы DOS, browser

Comanche 2 is a helicopter combat simulator that builds upon the foundation laid by its predecessor, Comanche: Maximum Overkill. Players once again pilot the RAH-66 Comanche attack helicopter through various combat missions. The game retains NovaLogic's Voxel engine, likely with improvements to terrain rendering and object detail. Comanche 2 probably introduces new mission types, environments, and enemy challenges while refining the flight model and combat mechanics. The game likely maintains th... развернуть

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Даты выхода

Web browser 01.04.2004
DOS 31.12.1995


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