Codename: Gordon presents an alternative to the storyline of Half-Life 2, with locations inspired by both Half-Life and Half-Life 2. Along the way, Gordon Freeman — the protagonist from the canon games — meets with some of the main characters of the Half-Life series and tries to find what caused the disappearance of the third dimension.
The game starts with Gordon Freeman in a dock area. After making his way through a few zombies and headcrabs, Gordon meets with Barney Calhoun, a prominent character in the later Half-Life titles. He tells Gordon of an "entire dimension" missing and also notes that the science team is working on solving the problem. Being injured, Barney cannot leave the place, so he gives Gordon his pistol, telling him to leave without him.
In the second chapter, the player meets with Eli Vance and his daughter Alyx who tell Gordon to take their car, which will help him reach City 17, as seemingly it is the center of the problem. They also tell him to talk...