In WrestleQuest, players assume the role of a young wrestling hopeful, on his quest to become one of the all-time greats while he powerbombs, slams, and suplexes his way to the top...
Maglam Lord takes you on an adventure that involves forging “Magic Swords.” The protagonist is a demon lord who once ran rampant but has since then lost his/her powers. Players wil...
Explore the supernatural mysteries of Akihabara in AKIBA'S TRIP. A dark conspiracy plots to consume Japan's pop-culture mecca with an army of synthetic vampires. As a fugitive from...
It's a physics-brawler where you fight stick men to get your job back. Fire them or be fired yourself! REASONS TO PLAY: It's got fly kicks, groin kicks, machine guns, glue guns, n...
Teenagers, Dreams, and Drugs. Unveil the secrets of South Jayakarta city, set two years after the ending of the original Troublemaker. The journey of the “Parakacuk” gang continues...
Meme animals strike again!! Let the meme battle goes into NEXT LEVEL!! With varied stages, items and support up to 4 players local and online, “Fight of Animals: Arena” will bring...
The epic story has been split up in three parts, one for each character. The game mimics the film's famous martial arts, based on the Wudan fighting style, with a set of basic atta...
Experience the REAL LIFE OF AN INDIE GAME DEVELOPER through one of the 3 characters of the game. An artist, a programmer or a Musician. Discover how each of the characters' persona...
Shatter Keep is an asymmetrical multiplayer game where 3 survivor players try to escape the castle and 1 randomly selected monster player attempts to eliminate them. Survivors must...
Banzai Universe continuation. Starring Rokiahi and Cpt. Benci as P.A.S.K.A.L special agents.
Dragon Ball: The Breakers is a 1-on-7 online asymmetrical action game in which a band of seven everyday humans tries to survive the Raider (a classic Dragon Ball rival such as Cell...
Cyber Hunter is a next-generation, competitive sandbox mobile game. It's packed with a host of different elements, including survival, shooting, exploration, skills and much more,...
Two waves of downloadable content are coming in the Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity Expansion Pass DLC. - Wave 1 - Pulse of the Ancients Newly added playable character, new chall...
Beodara is a game that takes place during the Middle Ages. You and your opponent will control a character who will be able to gather resources with different aims: build your villa...
Gaist Crusher is an action game set in 2064 when the Gaist Crusher Garrison is set up to defend humans against Gaist, lifeforms completely encrusted in Gaimetal, a metal ore mined...
A swashbuckling adventure! En Garde! is a swashbuckling action-adventure game set in 17th century's Spain. Play as Adalia de Volador, a noble & impetuous swordswoman! Your palace h...
Join ogre sisters Ran, Hana, and Yume, and their feline mentor, Iroha, in a battle against fairytale folkheroes-turned-villains via this action-packed tongue-in-cheek 2D beat-em-up...
Doug Hates his Job is a Beat-Em Up game with an office mockumentary style story about a sales agent who, as the title states, hates his job! With 8 styles of gameplay, you get to d...
“Path of Redemption” is a dark fantasy role play game, a tribute to the great titles like Dark Souls series, Sekiro, Onimusya. You need to fight your own way to survive the deadly...
Show them who is the ruler of the streets by cleaning up gangs, pirates, mafia and cops and other enemies on the streets!
The game collects all four games: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 1, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst and Naruto...
Survive and shoot killer robots then reuse their parts to construct your own rideable robots! Build a base, gather resources, craft weapons! Shoot, construct, and ride the most mas...
Reality Rash is a 3D beat 'em up inspired by classics such as Jackie Chan Stuntmaster, Streets of Rage, and TMNT... Action takes place in 4 different worlds each one with unique en...
Nova is essentially an RPG with horizontal Level Scaling, which means that any advantages players get over other players are temporary, with skill and game-knowledge being the prim...
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Trilogy collects 3 Storm games in one collection. This series has established itself among the pinnacle of anime & manga adaptations of video...
Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 is the sixth and final instalment of the Ultimate Ninja Storm series developed by CyberConnect2 and published by Namco-Bandai games for the...
Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni - это совершенно новый боевик от создателей Senran Kagura. Девушки Бхиккхуни заражены таинственным VR-вирусом, и единственный способ контролировать его -...