Choro 2021 (2021)
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Choro 2021 (2021)

Дата выхода: 05 декабря 2021
Жанры Вид сбоку, Приключения, Экшен
Платформы Android, iOS

Choro 2021 is a mobile game released for Android and iOS on 5 December 2021. The game follows a cowboy in a dystopian Venezuela that has to fight malandros, soldiers, zombies and witches, while finding references of the country, such as an empanada, a Toronto or a Riko Malt. In the first released level, the protagonist has to cross Mission Zamora and fight the witch Bruja Maruja. Developed by Venezuelan filmmaker Carl Zitelmann and based in an homonymous novel, Choro 2021 is an action and advent... развернуть

Скриншоты и арты

Даты выхода

Android 05.12.2021
iOS 05.12.2021



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