4.2 Card Wars: Adventure Time (2014)
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Card Wars: Adventure Time (2014)

Дата выхода: 03 апреля 2014
Жанры Фэнтези, ТБС, Card & Board Game, Мультиплеер, Вид сверху
Платформы Android, iOS

Card Wars: Adventure Time is a creature-collecting, card based role-playing game set within the fun-filled world of Adventure Time. The game features 20 playable characters from the Land of Ooo, craftable cards, hundreds of creatures, spells and abilities and much more. With more than 200 cards featuring unique abilities, over 250 playable quests and 90 tournament battles, players will get to summon creatures, build buildings, cast spells and watch creatures literally come to life on their holog... развернуть


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Даты выхода

Android 03.04.2014
iOS 03.04.2014


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