Captain Commando is set in the crime-ridden future of Metro City in the year 2026, where a superhero named Captain Commando, assisted by his three faithful Commando Companions rise up to protect the Earth and all the Galaxy from a gang of super-powered criminals.
Captain Commando (キャプテンコマンドー Kyaputen Komandō?) - He is the leader of the "Commando Team". Besides his powerful mind and strong body, he also uses his "Energy Gloves," whicn can shoot mighty bolts of fire and electricity.[1] His killer technique is the "Captain Collider". Striking the ground with his Energy Gloves causes an electric shock which kills everyone around him. Captain Commando's dash attacks are "Captain Cannon" (also known as "Captain Fire") which torches the enemy with a blast of flame and "Captain Kick" which can hit several enemies at once on the ground or in the air.[1] Captain Commando also can grab his opponent and kick their stomach or throw th...