The year is 1999. The self-driving cars have become self-aware and have taken over the highway. Only one person tries to drive. Her car, the Byte Driver driver, is equipped with a device of her own design, a device that can absorb the capabilities of autonomous vehicles. Her mission: to destroy the Cyber Mind, breaking the connection between the self-drivers, and bring freedom back to the road.
In 1978, a unique machine started showing up in arcades all around the world. With its distinctive gameplay and state of the art vector graphics projected over a raster display, it quickly became a major hit. In 1979 more quarters were dropped in the coin boxes of Byte Driver than all of that year’s other machines put together.
Sadly, the combination display was notoriously failure prone and arcade operators found their upkeep difficult. By 1981 the last known Byte Driver machine went offline. Since then the whole craze has been largely forgo...