Burnin' Rubber (1990)
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Burnin' Rubber (1990)

Дата выхода: 01 сентября 1990
Жанры Гонки, От 3-го лица, Нон-фикшн
Платформы ACPC, Amstrad GX4000

Burnin' Rubber, a GX4000/CPC plus launch/bundle title (and one of the few exclusives for the range), is an arcade-style racing game, much inspired by the developers' earlier WEC Le Mans. The game depicts a Le Mans-inspired endurance race over four laps consisting of four checkpoints each. The game begins with a qualification lap before the race itself starts. Racing is arcade-style, with Outrun-style 3rd person perspective view graphics and a timer that indicates how much time is left before th... развернуть


Скриншоты и арты

Даты выхода

Amstrad CPC 01.09.1990
Amstrad GX4000 01.09.1990



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