Buca! (2018)
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Buca! (2018)

Дата выхода: 15 ноября 2018
Жанры Головоломка / Квест, Party
Платформы Android, iOS

Buca is a rather simple game where you’ll be trying to put a puck into a hole. The first levels will be easy, since there will only be a single obstacles ahead of you. With time, the difficulty of the game will start growing and each level will bring with itself ever more obstacles. You also need to hit the puck on your first try, since you cannot launch it more than once on a single level. There’s a total of 100 levels in the game, so you won’t get bored easily. You can play the game on your mo... развернуть


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Даты выхода

Android 20.12.2018
iOS 27.10.2018



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