“May Cado grant me the endurance of a mighty Elk. May Gadin make me fierce as a Bear. And may Fiure keep me hidden from the harm, like a Crow soaring to the night sky.”
Norvalgians are people dedicated to searching for the truth and serving their gods. Both of these ideals are combined in their oldest tradition: debating. Whenever a decision needs to be made – whether it is about heading to war or choosing where the cheese should go in a sandwich – fierce Norvalgian warriors gather in their famous debating arenas, pray for strength from their gods and fight. The gods guide Norvalgians by granting victory to the team that champions the cause of truth and justice.
The most venerated and experienced debaters are eventually named Battlemasters who organize the events and serve as guides and teachers for the young warriors.
“An emissary from Norvalg arrived yesterday. He handed me a stained scabbard and waited for me to draw the heavy sword from...