7 Bokuten: Why I Became an Angel (2019)
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Bokuten: Why I Became an Angel (2019)

Дата выхода: 19 декабря 2019
Жанры Приключения, Музыка, Новелла, Драма, Романтика
Платформы PC, OOParts

Однажды, упражняясь в стрельбе из лука, Томоэ стреляет в ангела с неба. Хотя он не верит в любовь, ангел Айне буквально поет ей дифирамбы. Нравится это или нет, Томоэ придется помочь Айне сыграть купидона, чтобы собрать вместе все несчастные пары, с которыми они сталкиваются.


Nestled between the mountains and the ocean somewhere sits the harbor town of Inogo City, a prosperous place with an atmosphere of the exotic.
It is this city, watched over by the church at the summit of the highest mountain, where a boy and a girl first meet.

The boy's name is Kirinokojima Tomoe. A lonely young man, who believes neither in love nor in happiness.
The girl's name is Aine. One who sings of love to fill the world with happiness, who was born for that very purpose... an angel.

To anyone who saw him, Kirinokojima Tomoe would have seemed to lead a singularly boring life.

He didn't even attempt to befriend others, nor did he have a girlfriend, unsurprisingly. He was involved in no hobbies or interests to speak of.
Waking in the morning only to go off to school, returning home only to sleep. An utterly ordinary, routine life, each day no different from the day before or after it.

But he was not in the least... развернуть


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PC (Microsoft Windows) 19.12.2019





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