7.5 Black & White (2001)
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Black & White (2001)

B&W / BW

Сыграйте роль божества в стране, где вы сами формируете окружающую среду, а ее жители - ваши хозяева. Будь злым, недоброжелательным богом, и туземцы будут поклоняться тебе со страхом в глазах. Играйте за доброго, благожелательного бога, и они будут поклоняться вам с любовью в своих сердцах. Ваши действия решают, создадите ли вы рай или ад для своих поклонников. Затем выберите существо с земли, чтобы оно выступило вашим представителем в этом мире. Вырастите его до гигантских размеров и научите вы... развернуть


The player begins on an island as a new god, created from a family's prayers. After saving their drowning son, the god follows the grateful family to their village. A large creature is later discovered who tells of its former master, a god named Nemesis, who desires to reign supreme as the one true god by destroying all others. The player is told of the Creed; an energy source with the ability to destroy gods. Nemesis destroys his former creature and attacks the village. A mysterious vortex opens that the player enters to escape Nemesis. The player is transported to a second island and greeted by another god, Khazar. Khazar reveals that it was he who sent the vortex and requests assistance against another god, Lethys, Nemesis' underling, in exchange for resources to rebuild the village.

Later, Nemesis destroys Khazar and steals his piece of the Creed. Lethys then kidnaps the player's creature, taking it through a vortex. In the third land, the creature is held in stasis by... развернуть


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Даты выхода

Mac 01.01.2002
PC (Microsoft Windows) 24.05.2001


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