In the future Crystal Tokyo, a small band of discontent citizens has come together to form a rebel team of Senshi called the Oppositio Senshi, who feel that the Sailor Guardians and the Silver Crystal are the sources of all of Earth's past battles. Together with a mysterious woman named Apsu, they desire to twist time and change the destiny of the Earth.
In the present day, the Sailor Senshi are enjoying peace now that the Death Busters had been defeated. However, strange things begin happening in the city. Previously defeated Daimons, Droids and Youma appear throughout the city. A visit by Ryo Urawa reveals a cryptic statement that the past and future are being replaced. The strangeness doesn't end there - Hotaru grows from a baby into a child in a matter of minutes, Rei sees strange apparitions in the fire, and then the four Inner Sailor Senshi, along with Chibiusa goes missing.
Sailor Moon meets up with Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn to go look for the missing...