Autumn Dynasty Warlords (2014)
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Autumn Dynasty Warlords (2014)

Дата выхода: 27 февраля 2014
Жанры Стратегия, Экшен, Вид сверху
Платформы iOS

Revered, feared and enigmatic. The First Autumn Emperor’s legacy is undisputed. He began as a minor warlord, yet he would one day unify the country, discover firedust, and repel the greatest barbarian invasion in history. His personage is a mystery, but his exploits are legendary. Could you have ruled in his place instead? Manage your empire turn by turn: manage cities, construct buildings, raise armies and engage in diplomacy and espionage. Unify the land by conquering all provinces! Fight your... развернуть


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iOS 27.02.2014


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