Astrå (2015)
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Astrå (2015)

Дата выхода: 24 сентября 2015
Жанры Приключения, Аркада
Платформы Android, iOS

A game inspired by Greek mythology. Astrå is the adventure of Hemera, the goddess of daylight. Hemera upholds the balance between day and night, between light and darkness. Creatures of the night steal the light in their quest for eternal darkness, and Hemera embarks on an adventure to restore the balance, this is the starting point of Astrå. Astrå is a one touch arcade platformer, the use of gravity mechanics gives the player a freedom of movement that hasn’t been seen on one touch games befo... развернуть


Hemera is the goddess of daylight. She upholds the balance between day and night, between light and darkness.
Creatures of the night steal the light in their quest for eternal darkness, and Hemera embarks on an adventure to restore the balance, this is the starting point of Astrå.


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Даты выхода

Android 18.05.2016
iOS 24.09.2015



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