Angry Brainless Bovines (2010)
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Angry Brainless Bovines (2010)

Дата выхода: 31 декабря 2010
Жанры Аркада, Экшен, Вид сверху
Платформы X360

Angry Brainless Bovines is a simple 'collect the objects' game, in which the player is tasked with collecting pints of milk from a field. It is set up as a simple maze with hedges as walls. The only problem: it has angry cows in it. They also do not take kindly to people in their field and so will attack you whenever possible. Players can use their Xbox 360 Avatar as their character within the game. There is also support for up to four players in competitive gameplay, in which they compete to se... развернуть

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Даты выхода

Xbox 360 31.12.2010



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