8.4 AM2R: Return of Samus (2016)
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AM2R: Return of Samus (2016)


AM2R, сокращение от Another Metroid 2 Remake, представляет собой приключенческую видеоигру, разработанную Милтоном Гуасти под псевдонимом DoctorM64 и выпущенную в августе 2016 года для Microsoft Windows, что совпало с 30-летием серии Metroid. Это неофициальный улучшенный ремейк игры Nintendo Game Boy Metroid II: Return of Samus (1991), заимствовавший художественный стиль и общее ощущение от игры Game Boy Advance Metroid: Zero Mission (2004). Вскоре после выхода игры Nintendo разослала уведомлени... развернуть


The game's plot is largely unchanged from Metroid II. It now features a Super Metroid-style introduction narrated by Samus Aran (narration above), about the nature of her mission on SR388. Over the course of the game, Samus's scanners automatically download Logbook entries similar to the Metroid Prime series that reveal additional lore about areas and bosses. She can uncover optional areas that include the landing sites of the G.F.S. Thoth and an Anhur-class patrol ship carrying the two ill-fated Galactic Federation teams sent to rescue the Galactic Federation Special Squadron sent previously. Metroid II did not feature the final resting places of these Federation teams, despite mentioning them in the manual. Samus also encounters surviving Federation Marines battling a Zeta Metroid that metamorphoses into an Omega Metroid before effortlessly killing them. It is not possible to save the marines. The mysterious earthquakes linked to the deaths of Metroids are insinuated to be caused by... развернуть


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Даты выхода

Android 18.02.2020
PlayStation Vita 23.09.2018
PC (Microsoft Windows) 06.08.2016





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