5.7 Alien Breed Evolution (2009)
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Alien Breed Evolution (2009)

Дата выхода: 03 ноября 2009
Жанры Шутер, Научная фантастика, Экшен, Вид сверху
Платформы PS3, X360

A remake of the original classic Amiga title Alien Breed, Evolution features update graphics, gameplay and features.


Theodore J. Conrad is an engineer on the spaceship Leopold when it drops out of hyperspace and has a collision with a mysterious ghost ship which is populated by numerous hostile alien beings. Just before the collision, Conrad is visited by the android Mia, who asks him why he is against synthetics (the name for androids in the game) and saves him from a piece of debris, from the ghost ship, that pierces Conrad's room when the collision occurs. Mia then sends Conrad to restart the Leopold's engines to avert both ships from crashing into the unnamed planet below.


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Даты выхода

PlayStation 3 03.11.2009
Xbox 360 03.11.2009


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