A Journey Into Xanth (1993)
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A Journey Into Xanth (1993)

Дата выхода: 31 декабря 1993
Жанры Приключения, Фэнтези
Платформы DOS

A Journey Into Xanth takes place in the magical world of Xanth known from the books of Piers Anthony. The game is a classic interactive-fiction game, with a text parser as the sole user interface. It was developed using a contemporary toolkit (Adventure Game Toolkit v1.3). You are playing a young man named Mim. Like all inhabitants of Xanth, Mim has a unique magical ability, the so-called talent. In his case he is able to conjure a magical mirror which can then be used to talk to any person h... развернуть

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Даты выхода

DOS 31.12.1993



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