In the once peaceful land of Mistral, legend holds of a brave knight named Drak who has sealed an evil god named Deoric beneath the six continents of the land. However, peace never...
Четвертая запись в серии Final Fantasy была выпущена как Final Fantasy II на Западе, потому что вторая и третья игры там в то время не были выпущены. Игра представляет собой RPG в...
In this Casino simulator, you have decided to be a high roller. Followed by four friends, their main objective is to risk the Lady Luck and become a high roller in Las Vegas, place...
Players get to choose any one of six monsters (four in the 16-bit ports) for battle, and two players can join forces to fight the monsters together. Battles end when one of the mon...
Hey there, this is the Nekketsu High School Paper. Our own Kunio has become famous as a leader. With him we won both the dodge ball and soccer championships. They competed and won...
ActRaiser is a 1990 platform and city-building simulation game for the Super Nintendo, combining traditional side-scrolling platforming with urban planning god game sections. In 20...
The Atlas is a Strategy game, developed by Artdink and published by Pack-In-Video, which was released in Japan in 1995.
Three months have gone by since the events of the first game. The Terror Mask, which has reformed after breaking at the climax of the first game, appears to Rick and repeatedly tem...
Ninja Master's follows the conventions of many previous 2D fighting games released for the Neo-Geo. The player must defeat their opponent in combat in a series of best-two-out-of-t...
Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy is a side-scrolling platform video game developed by SNK for its Neo Geo Arcade system, which was released in 1994. It was later released for Neo Geo CD,...
A time of Sengoku, it's the weak becoming the victims of the strong. It began when a monarch got evil powers. He awakened peacefully sleeping souls and used his power to control th...
Released in 1994, Wild Guns is a shooting gallery video game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, developed by Natsume. Its setting is a unique blend of the Wild West, stea...
L-Dis is an Action game, developed by Dual and published by NCS, which was released in Japan in 1991.