Based on the 1972 film of the same name, The Godfather immerses you in the dangerous world of the Mafia. The game features GTA-style gameplay, a new storyline, and voice-acting by...
Jack Fremont was planning to enjoy his day doing the things he loved -- reading comics, ignoring the eviction notices, and heading down to the bar to play '70s television trivia. T...
The Super Spy is an early Neo Geo game released by SNK. It is a first-person shooter and beat 'em up game with action RPG elements. It was an early example of a first-person shoote...
A once peaceful city has been turned into a complete nightmare by an extremely violent gang who call themselves Hoppers. The officers of the Special Police are called in to mow dow...
Target of Desire is about 2 characters: Maia and Maria. The video game follows the story of Maia. The story of Maria can also be found in her blog. Maria has a blog under the use...
Killbox Killbox is an online game and interactive installation that critically explores the nature of drone warfare, its complexities and consequences. It is an experience which e...
Pocket Mobsters is a social free-to-play online game, with a pixel art style and an organised crime theme.
Empire of Sin, the strategy game from Romero Games and Paradox Interactive, puts you at the heart of the ruthless criminal underworld of 1920s Prohibition-era Chicago. It’s up to...