A free, multiplayer Multi-Used Dungeon (MUD) revolving around medieval religious oppression and the fight against magic in a fantasy world. The Holy Order is the dominant faith of...
The Wheel of Time MUD is a time-honored multi-user dungeon. It’s an interactive text-based game that has been enjoyed for free by web users since 1993. It is the oldest and most po...
The Abandoned Realms MUD is a fully-featured multiplayer experience with roleplaying and playerkilling. As you play the game, you will make both great friends, and vicious enemies...
Mordor is a MUD based on the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, especially The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. While playing the game, you can explore over 75 unique areas including: Ise...
Lost Souls is a MUD, a free text-based multi-player online RPG (role-playing game). The theme of the setting is medieval fantasy, with elements drawn from a wide variety of sources...
Shattered Kingdoms (SK) is a text-based sword and sorcery fantasy role playing game, played online by many people at the same time who each assume the identity of a different chara...
Aabahran is a multi-user dungeon, or MUD. A MUD is a multi-player computer game that combines elements of role-playing games, hack and slash style computer games and social chat ro...
Welcome to Core Mud, an interactive text MUD set on the planet formal star-charts refer to as Hermes 571-G, but that everyone in the know refers to simply as Core. Core is one of t...
A fantasy game world of magnificent proportions unfolds before you: it is the heavy sea-town air of Mercinae, the sound of waves crashing against Parrius, great dark spires piercin...
The first Japanese developed graphical adventure game created by Micro Cabin in 1982. Although it features the same name, it is otherwise unrelated to On-Line Systems' game. Myste...
The Sumerian Game is a text-based strategy video game of land and resource management. It was developed as part of a joint research project between the Board of Cooperative Educati...
Don't Give Up on Me! is a romance-comedy visual novel about a simple love confession going wrong in the most unpredictable, absurd and insane ways ever imagined. Experience five di...
Shape your own saga in a harsh world that changes every game, offering thousands of paths through hundreds of events. You are a fallen god fighting to win your way back home. Wheth...
Enchanter Trilogy is an Infocom compilation that contains three text adventures set in the Zork universe.
Dead Letter Dept. is a short horror game mystery experience, where you use your computer keyboard to type in various prompts, and attempt to decipher damaged images as oddities beg...