Drakengard follows the story of a kingdomless prince named Caim who fights for the Union against the Empire. Under the Union's protection are the Hierarchs and the Goddess, current...
Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories is a tactical role-playing game and the sequel to Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. It was re-released for the PlayStation Portable as Disgaea 2 Portable in Jap...
Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans picks up where Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal ended and develops many of the popular characters and locations first introduced in the Wa...
Sokoban (warehouse keeper) is a is a classic puzzle game created in 1981 by Hiroyuki Imabayashi, and published in 1982 by Thinking Rabbit, a software house based in Takarazuka, Jap...
Welcome to the world of Barbarian. In this world you control our hero Hegor. Once the game has started you will see him standing in the marsh. Using the mouse, jouystick or keyboar...
Necron's back in town and he wants revenge. Only you - in the guise of Hegor the Barbarian - have the courage, strength and stupidity to face the challenge: It's time again to don...
From Sierra, makers of the bestselling King's Quest adventure series, and the Walt Disney personal computer software staff. Seventy three-dimensional screens more detailed than...
The greatest hero for the Hyborean Age was a fierce barbarian born of the harsh northlands, Conan The Cimmerian. You have heard the tales of Conan's adventures. Only now will you...
After a century of relative peace, the Avatar of Virtue is summoned back to the medieval kingdom of Britannia to deal with a new threat: the usurper Lord Blackthorn, a formerly hon...
Wrath of the Demon is a computer game developed by a Quebec-based team called Abstrax. Versions for Atari ST, Amiga, Commodore CDTV, PC and Mac were released in Early 1991. There w...
Fantasy General is a turn-based strategy game based on a traditional hex map. The game is situated in a fantasy world. The player can play either a scenario or a campaign. There ar...
Step into the boots of the vicious pirate Christopher Raven and get revenge on the men who killed your family and took your hand. Explore the Caribbean on land and sea, slaying you...
Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale предлагает увлекательный игровой процесс руби и руби, оживляя Dungeons & Dragons. Отправляйтесь в Далекие земли Забытых королевств, где путешествие...
A bright light shot up from Darm Tower in the end of the first Ys, and Adol Christin is awakened by a young girl who finds him lying on the ground. She introduces herself as Lilia...
After having defeated the ultimate evil in his previous adventure, the great hero Adol stands on a sea shore, thinking about the fate of the once peaceful Utopian land of Ys, while...
Шумный городок глубоко на границе, у подножия бесконечного моря деревьев... Именно в этой дикой и необузданной обстановке молодой человек падает в обморок, воспоминания исчезают, и...
The Lord of Darkness, Dark Guld, has arisen again. Wielding the famous Golden Axe, he has destroyed entire countries with his evil clan, forcing the world into chaos. Once again, t...
Chaos is spreading across the land once again as the Prince of Darkness arises to conquer the world. To stop him and retrieve the legendary Golden Axe, four heroes step forward to...
Final Fantasy II is the second installment in the Final Fantasy series, developed and published by Squaresoft. It was directed by Hironobu Sakaguchi, with Yoshitaka Amano designing...
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII is an action role-playing third-person shooter. As the first shooter game in the Final Fantasy series, the action is viewed from an over-the-sh...
Disgaea 3 - это продолжение Disgaea, хардкорной пошаговой стратегической RPG. Игра рассказывает о подвигах Мао, самого почетного ученика Академии Зла, школы, где самые вялые, ленив...
В Tales Of Berseria игроки отправляются в путешествие, беря на себя роль Вельвет, молодой женщины, чья некогда нежная натура была заменена гноящимся гневом и ненавистью после травм...
Final Fantasy Dimensions is a Final Fantasy game for mobile phones. Final Fantasy Dimensions features 2D graphics and a job ability system, and returns to classic Final Fantasy plo...
The world of Terresia is under assault by a devourer, which seeks to consume its mana and leave it barren. Although the residents of the planet are unaware, this is actually a resu...
The pace is intense. Enemies come at Alisia from everywhere. And nowhere. Battle hordes of crazed barbarians, mow down mobs of poisonous centipedes, and slay squadrons of winged ga...
Gates of Skeldal is a dungeon crawler with a rather unique graphical style and originally only released for the Czech market. The game has never been officially released in Englis...
Kingdom Hearts χ, stylized as Kingdom Hearts χ[chi], is a Kingdom Hearts game that is exclusive to PC browsers as the eighth game of the series. The game itself is free to play, bu...
В этом новейшем названии изображены такие чувства, как сохранение своей веры, спасение своих близких и судьба поднять бурю между тремя странами, которые формируют обстановку. Верси...