The Game Boy release of the game uses a password-based saving system to save the player's progress. The game consisted of seven floors where various items and parts of Bitsy (Frank...
Burning Paper is a Puzzle game, developed by Pixel and published by LOZC G. Amusements, which was released in Japan in 1993.
Play as either Humans or Beasts as you plot battle strategies. Harvest resources and construct buildings, then raise an army and order your troops into battle. Search for secret ma...
It's amazing what some animals will do just to get a drink of water. Take Rocky the Rhino, for instance: Positively parched (he ate way too many peppers at a local jungle party), t...
Graphical light dungeon crawler that's a cross between roguelike flexibility and Diablo convenience.
A fan-made sequel and unofficial conclusion to the King's Quest games.
A truly bizarre game which was rather popular at the time. It's an action game of sorts, in which you play Beetlejuice himself and you have to kill (?) all kinds of skeletons with...
В приключениях Fancy Pants игроки управляют мистером Fancy Pants в поисках спасения его сестры от злого пирата. Игра представляет собой платформер, где скорость так же важна, как п...
A single screen platformer written by Chris Morris and published by The Edge for the Commodore 64.
Tao is a quirky role-playing game with heavy religious themes.
Halloween: Trick or Treat is a hidden object game from Virtual Playground.
Отправляйтесь в глобальное приключение в этом приключенческом платформере, вдохновленном 90-ми годами. Помогите пухлому неудачнику с дурацкими сверхспособностями сразиться с причуд...
The secret location of The Sword of the Spirit remained an unsolved mystery… until now. Join Whit, Connie, and Eugene in a chase through abandoned mine-shafts and secret passageway...
A hidden object game for PC and Mac.
The Path of Kara is a matcha-3 puzzle game exclusive to the Windows Phone. Join Kara, a young shaman, on a quest to save her island from imminent danger.
The second installment in Brad Borne's Fancy Pants Adventures series
The first installment in Brad Borne's Fancy Pants Adventures series.
Ninja Kid (regional port of GeGeGe no Kitaro: Yokai Daimakyou) is a NES platformer published by Bandai. As with Super Mario Bros 2, Ninja Kid went through some significant changes...
A primitive early DOS platformer in the Skunny series.
As in Stormlord, you must rescue as many fairies as possible, on this occasion by catching them out of the sky as they fall. This isn't as easy as it sounds, because this scrolling...
Played with a plastic, motion-sensitive Katana Controller, this first-person hack & slash game put players into the role of a Samurai, with zombie enemies to slash in every directi...
A spiritual successor to Wasteland, set in a post-apocalyptic Florida.
A freeware first-person shooter based on the eponymous schlocky movie about giant mutant spiders that came on the DVD.
Наслаждайтесь более чем 100 различными пасьянсами (включая все ваши любимые: Паук, пирамида, Солитер, Клондайк, Три Пика и т.д.), несколькими колодами карт (включая уникальную коло...
The denizens of Touhou Project in a Dungeon Crawling RPG! Gensokyo is connected to 'a certain world' and a huge dungeon by the name of 'Mazes of the Week' appears. Create your own...
Touhou Big Big Battle - это казуальная стратегическая игра, объединяющая RTS, MOBA и другие элементы, разработанная студией MyACG.
The Devil of Decline is a fan-made traditional turn-based RPG based on the Touhou universe and lore. It was developed and published by Strawberry Bose.