The handheld debut of the Yakuza/Ryuu ga Gotoku series, Kurohyou follows the rise of series newcomer Ukyô Tatsuya, a young man who quickly finds himself wrapped up in the world of...
Spartan is an epic 2d platformer powered by UE4. Featuring silky smooth animations, pixel perfect controls, challenging gameplay, huge non linear levels and an awesome original sou...
Tritorn II: Road of Darkness is an Action RPG developed by XAIN Soft and released in 1988. It is the second game in the Tritorn trilogy.
Wolfenstein RPG is a first-person shooter and role-playing video game developed by id Software and Fountainhead Entertainment, released in September 2008 for mobile phones and in M...
The third game in the Brandish series.
Sword Art Online: Integral Factor is a new online RPG for mobile devices.
Monster Hunter is an online action-hunting game by CAPCOM for the PlayStation 2 released on March 11th, 2004 in Japan, and September 21st, 2004 in North America. The game is a fant...
Lords of Doom is a hybrid game that incorporates elements of adventure and role-playing. The player controls the party of characters from a first-person view, navigating a pseudo-3...
WarBreeds is a Real Time Strategy game developed by Red Orb. Warbreeds was notable for its customizable units which provided over 35,000 unique combinations.
Malice: 23rd Century Ultraconversion for Quake is a commercial mod of Quake. While requiring a full, registered version of Quake, it acts like a stand-alone game, employing its own...
Another remake of the classic RPG Sorcerian this time exclusive to the SEGA Dreamcast. Once again you must take control of a party of 4 player-created adventurers and lead them thr...
Romancia: Another Legend is a remake of the classic RPG Romancia with improved graphics and mouse support. You are cast as a dashing prince who sets out to rescue the princess of...
Tales of Pirates is a 3D massively multiplayer online role-playing game with anime-style graphics. Set in a pirate-themed environment, the game features a top-view camera and draws...
A Legend of Zelda inspired game in which the player guides a character who converts non-believers, fights demons, and ultimately goes up against Satan himself.
The very first video game based on the Rambo film series, an action-RPG released exclusively in Japan for the MSX.
Evony - это браузерная массовая многопользовательская онлайн-игра с геймплеем, напоминающим традиционную пошаговую стратегию.
An RPG originally in the works for the Playstation Portable to be released in 2007, but has since been presumed on hold, or even canceled, since no more information has been reveal...
In this online RPG of Korean origin, the player can explore the medieval world of Lineage as one of the four available character classes: elf, knight, prince, or wizard. Knights ar...
Deus Ex: The Conspiracy was the 2002 PlayStation 2 port of the original PC Game from 2000.
Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax is a port of the PSP RPG/puzzle game mashup Half-Minute Hero, released on XBLA and PC. It also includes a new graphical style and an added m...
A tactical multiplayer shooter set in modern times.
Genma Onimusha contained many changes from the original release. Besides the requisite minor graphical upgrade, there were various changes to increase the difficulty. Monsters are...
An MMORPG set in the Tales of Eternia universe. The game was formally released in 2006 and lasted only a year before the servers were taken offline due to a declining number of pla...
In order to avenge her mother, Seraphine set out to kill the dragon named Xutaduss. Here she met people of the same purpose with her as Jennet and Elissa. But she encountered the p...
A remake of Ys I & II for the PC. Completely remade with new graphics, mouse-driven controls, and enhanced music.
Iron Assault is a futuristic battle simulator which utilizes state-of-the-art texture-mapping graphics to convey a world in which big business is threatening to take over the globe...