Facebook game based on the Avengers and other Marvel franchises. Villains all over the world, mutant and non-mutant alike are running amok throughout the streets! As a newly recrui...
Company of Heroes: Online is a MMO real-time strategy game, based on Company of Heroes. The game contains the original campaign and skirmish maps, but adds the option to compete wi...
A MMO from Perfect World Entertainment based on the Romance of Three Kingdoms.
Plants vs. Zombies Adventures was a Plants vs. Zombies based game by PopCap Games that was available on Facebook.
ACE Online is a 3-D space shooter that combines action and MMORPG elements. The game puts players in the role of fighter pilots and behind the controls of ships known as Gears.
International version of a Korean MMORPG which was released into public beta on May 28, 2008. It uses a cash shop system, and it's key selling points include township battles and i...
A F2P (Free to Play) 2D, isometric MMORPG by Korean developer Ntreev Soft.
A Facebook Browser game made by Zynga. The game is quite popular and has pulled the amazing feat of amassing more players than Farmville.