Beyond Good & Evil 2 marks the return of one of Ubisoftís most beloved games. The prequel will transport players into a profoundly multicultural world, capturing the spirit of the...
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut features approximately 8 hours of director's commentaries and a 45 minute “Making Of” video. It also features an improved visual engine a...
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX is an updated re-release of Link's Awakening with several new additions, the most notable of which being the entire game is now in color.
Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows is a free expansion for Shovel Knight, a sweeping classic action adventure game that won over 70 Game of the Year Awards in 2014. You play as Plagu...
В этом спин-оффе Action RPG четвертый всадник Апокалипсиса Страйф призван спасти человечество от неминуемой гибели от рук Люцифера. Верный своим корням, Darksiders Genesis будет вк...
Street Fighter Alpha Anthology is a compilation that collects the Street Fighter Alpha series with a remixed version of the console-exclusive Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold and Super...
This game is a free expansion included in the main game, Shovel Knight, and its updated title, Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove. The game will also be available as a standalone title...
This game is the final free campaign included in the main game, Shovel Knight, and its updated title, Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove. The game will also be available as a standalone...
Diluvian Ultra: Awakening shows a never-before seen part of Diluvian Ultra's story, preceding the events of the main game. As a young Diluvian Knight, stage a heroic defense agains...
Aragami: Nightfall is the first story expansion to the celebrated stealth-action game by Lince Works. Aragami: Nightfall is a new campaign taking place before the events of Aragami...