A terrorist organization known as Slave Dog poses a threat to the entire world. Steel Fox is the name of an all-female special squad, highly trained in counter-terrorist combat. As...
Known as Thunder Force IV outside of North America. You must lead the battle against the evil Lohun Empire. Their computer system is poised to destroy your Galaxy Federation's defe...
A excellent racing game based in the successful anime cartoon in which the player takes on the role of the young pilot Speed Racer and his super racing GT car named Mach 5 Avoiding...
A once peaceful city has been turned into a complete nightmare by an extremely violent gang who call themselves Hoppers. The officers of the Special Police are called in to mow dow...
A sci-fi Light Gun game from Bandai that came packaged with the Hyper Shot Light Gun for the Famicom. Space Shadow is an on-rails sci-fi Light Gun game from Bandai that takes its...
Silent Scope is an arcade game that puts the player in the shoes of a sniper during a series of terrorist incidents. The game uses a rifle that is mounted on the console, requiring...
Roses are red, violets are blue, mutants are ugly, so what do we do? Well, this time players will need to type increasingly more overblown and contrived sweet nothings in order to...
What do you do when hordes of deranged mutants descend upon you with the express purpose of eating your flesh? Bash 'em in the head. That seems to work. We're going to make you an...
Something Wicked this Way Comes... With the Shakespeare DLC you can unleash the full force of Shakespeare's greatest works on the ignorant zombie masses!
Primeval Hunt is a shooting arcade game which is developed and published by Sega and runs on their Sega Lindbergh hardware. It comes in both standard and deluxe models, with the de...
Protect your convoy from Iraqi insurgents in this on-rails shooter.
An arcade release in Taito's Speed Race series.
A racing game released by Taito in 1976. It is a simultaneous two-player version of Tomohiro Nishikado's 1974 arcade game Speed Race.
Virtua Cop 3 is the third installment in the series. It also features a bullet time mechanism which players to slow down time by stepping on a pedal.
Played with a plastic, motion-sensitive Katana Controller, this first-person hack & slash game put players into the role of a Samurai, with zombie enemies to slash in every directi...
A first-person arcade racing game released by Kasco in 1969. It was an electro-mechanical game using a form of video projection to display a racing track on a screen. It was a prec...
Jurassic Park is a rail shooter arcade game developed and released by Sega in 1994. It is based on the 1993 film of the same name. The game cabinet resembles the rear of the Ford E...
An arcade light-gun shooter with a camera to detect player movement, allowing the player to use body movement to hide behind cover and dodge the (slow-moving) bullets. It was the f...
Dino Strike is a Dinosaur themed rail shooter for the Wii. You find yourself shipwrecked on a dinosaur invested island. The game is played from a first person perspective, & along...
Halo: Fireteam Raven is a cooperative arcade sci-fi shooting game from arcade legends Raw Thrills and Play Mechanix in a unique partnership and collaboration with 343 Industries. S...
The Lost World: Jurassic Park is a light gun arcade game from Sega. It was released in 1997, and is based on the film of the same name. It is also a sequel to Sega's 1994 Jurassic...
Taking On-Rails Shooters Off Rails Dead Containment is an on-rails shooter inspired by classic arcade light gun games. Players fend off the undead as they race through a city under...
A fast-paced low-poly 3D rail shooter heavily inspired by classics of the early 90's. Join protagonist Kyuu as she fights to free the worlds of the Sanzaru Star System, overrun by...
Help an adorable dancing turtle fight off disease infected insects!
Terminator Salvation is a light gun shooter arcade game released in 2010. It is developed by Play Mechanix and published by Raw Thrills.
Dino Invasion is an arcade game by Universal Space Amusement. The game is a based on the company's previous rail shooter Outback Hunter, but with dinosaurs as the game's primary en...
Silent Scope: Bone Eater is the 6th game in the Silent Scope series, exclusively for Arcade. This game features a unique dual LCD display for graphics far away, and a screen in the...