The Wolf's Girl is an intimate story that unfolds between two friends Sheen and Chloe. Chloe persuaded Sheen to go with her to the lake. Coming to the lake, Shin feels bad, he feel...
This game is a classic puzzle game with several levels of difficulty and beautiful arts. Enjoy ;-)
This game is a classic puzzle game with several levels of difficulty and beautiful arts.
Kawaii Neko Gilrs — it's a relaxing anime puzzles with cute kawaii neko girls. Solve puzzles, and collect full images. Enjoy high quality artworks.
Hero by Chance is a tactical RPG with exciting battles and hot girls. Upgrade your army with many cool unlockables, engage in striking love stories and WIN THIS WAR!
Paladin Lias in the process of a hunt for bandits, awakened a special power, in order to seek the truth of this power, Lias began all sorts of adventures.
The pallid bust of Pallas beckons! Arise O Julinas from the hoary Underworld; bestride these Empyrean mountains like a Titan. Myriad mammaries await thee. Only by thine providence...
Our protagonist is settling in for a gaming session with the latest erotic fantasy game, when they are suddenly whisked away to a fantasy world! Waking up in front of a horde of ho...
Marble Maid rolls in with lewd and wholesome gameplay! Cleaning mansions in a giant puzzle ball to reveal the sexy secrets behind the dust bunnies!
《Love n Dream: Virtual Happiness》is a card-based puzzle game with RPG components. Your job is to lead different girls to advance their adventure levels in a Virtual Reality Game.
Unlock beautiful hentai scenes with boys and girls, hidden behind bricks that you must break. Choose your scenes and level from the gallery.
Hentai Coloring Game - Coloring Game. A new coloring game that can win the hearts of players! 10 beautiful arts, 10 hot ladies are waiting for you!
Chill is a relaxing, minimalist maze game.
A comedic story about high school friends who constantly find themselves in extremely absurd and ridiculous situations.
Simple relaxing game with 12 horny girls, different minigames, and 36 levels to complete!
Shohei is the host with the most on Shohei's Adult Streaming Channel. With user feedback from the audience, he makes his moves on his female guest which is the key to the success o...
Wet Waifu is an exciting puzzle game in which you need to draw a line so that water fills a glass. As a reward, you will gradually discover beautiful drawings.
Fight an invasion of Orcs with your weapons and magical abilities.
This game is a classic puzzle game with several levels of difficulty and beautiful arts. Enjoy ;-)
When two women come back in time to see you, Is the future in the balance? No just your love life in this adult romantic visual novel with just a little bit of time travel.
Welcome to the magic island — Nekoland! All good things you want will happen here! Solve the match puzzles, collect the magic coins and then you will see miracles!
Adjutant Chuanfang Shuei, defeated in battle, flees to the city of Harmudis. To repay for saving her life, she starts helping Duke Chonghua Zeng to find a legendary treasure.
An erotic drag 'n drop puzzle adventure where you play three versions of yourself - at the same time! You're a sexy slime hero... Change the outcome of your story in real time! Exp...
Bowsette, the monster queen in the forest, found that her men were beginning to rebel. Bowset decided to teach them a lesson and let them know who was the real owner.