Explore themes of bullying, revenge, blackmail, and abuse, interwoven with lies, truth, beauty, and ugliness. The story follows an ugly boy who reaches his breaking point due to co...
Discovering his beautiful young aunt is engaged to be married, a nephew takes matters into his own hands.
I’m Shun, and I have a talent for crushing romance flags—in real life! Featuring even more eye-popping art, nuanced animations, plus a fresh-faced cast of DT-obsessed heroines, thi...
Suffering from an illness that he's had since childhood, our protagonist has always struggled to live an independent life. One day his researcher parents get a novel idea for an ex...
Bottled-up emotions... An everlasting oath... Heartfelt desires... An enduring regret... And a childhood promise. Yuuto was abandoned by his parents and raised in an orphanage in B...
Detective Reiji Tokisaka is back to face down a mystery that spans decades if not centuries. With the aftermath of his last case weighing on his soul and a long-silent cult resurge...
A washed-up mad doctor is hired back by a devious former test subject and asked to twist her hospital into a corrupt donation mill. Will he seize this second chance to practice his...
Succubers! Dark Covenant is an indie fantasy J-RPG featuring a diverse cast of female characters. You'll find nurses, nuns, housewives, and more! Explore the maps with your favorit...
Yokai Busters is an indie fantasy J-RPG featuring a diverse cast of female characters. You'll find a police officer, a caring mom, a shrine maiden, and more! Explore the maps and h...