Port of Hakuoki Reimeiroku for the PS3. Years before the beginning of Hakuouki, the Shinsengumi was known as the Mibu Roushigumi. A wandering young man named Ibuki Ryuunosuke fall...
Port of Hakuoki Reimeiroku for the PS Vita with new CGs. Years before the beginning of Hakuouki, the Shinsengumi was known as the Mibu Roushigumi. A wandering young man named Ibuk...
A fictional world that's full of exoticism. This is a romance adventure game for women that depicts rich romantic relationships that involve the character's countries, along with c...
Natsuzora no Monologue is an otome game, developed by Design Factory and published by Idea Factory, which was released in Japan in 2010.
Allows the player to choose between a male or a female (Kei Katsuragi or Megumi Kawai) to play with, depending on that choice the game will be different and the characters that the...
Scared Rider Xechs is a Japanese otome game published by Red Entertainment.
Story driven horror game with Christmas theme. It has a dialogue system and multiple endings.
Eikoku Tantei Mysteria is a 2013 otome visual novel video game for the PlayStation Portable created by Karin Entertainment and published by Marvelous in Japan.
A port for PSP.