Goldeneye Doom2 is a popular total conversion for Doom II reimagining the classic GoldenEye 007 Nintendo 64 game. Goldeneye Doom2 includes the following: Single-player maps (based...
The Ultimate Torment and Torture is a megawad for DOOM II released in 2007 and combines every Torment and Torture maps from Daniel Gimmer. This is a complete compilation of all the...
Congestion 1024 is a 2005 megawad for Doom II. All maps are designed so that the playing area fits entirely within a 1024×1024-sized area. Authors were allowed to define sectors ou...
The Classic Episode is a nine-level Doom PWAD that replaces episode 2. It was made by Jan Van der Veken, Anthony Soto, Nick Baker, and Travers Dunne who also worked on The Darkenin...
The most avant-garde Doom will ever get. Obviously not a WAD for everyone, the core target for such a mod is mainly people who are in video game glitches, corruptions and to some e...
H2H-Xmas is a Christmas-themed megawad for Doom II that was released in December 1995. The PWAD includes new music track which are based on Christmas songs, as well as many new gra...
The 'Master Levels for Doom II' is a grab-bag collection of various unstructured, unorganized WAD files, all made by various map authors with a wide variety of styles and design co...
Eviternity is a 32-level megawad for MBF-compatible source ports, created by Joshua O'Sullivan (Dragonfly). It was released on 10 December, 2018, the 25th anniversary of Doom's rel...