Explore a vast procedurally generated galaxy in which the narrative is directed entirely by you, the players. In Infinite Fleet, you are a commander within the United Sol Federatio...
Ignited Steel is a mech roguelike turn-based-tactics game. Manage a team of overheating old-tech mechs, more heat means more vulnerability and damage! Unravel the galaxy’s story as...
Sentritsu no Blue is the first game in the Blue Destiny trilogy of Gundam-based shooters.
The 12th release in the franchise, 221Games Punity series is single player, Mech custom & Third person shooter.
Supremacy - это коллекция игр, которые объединяют игроков в одну захватывающую, интерактивную и взаимосвязанную вселенную, предлагая уникальный опыт тем, кто ищет Метавселенную, ко...
Kishin Houkou Demonbane is a remake of Deus Machina Demonbane that makes numerous improvements to the original visual novel, such as full voice acting, lip flaps and blinking for s...
Itsuka, Kasanariau Ashita he: Sayuri-hen is a Strategy game, developed by MBA International and published by Sony Music Entertainment Incorporated, which was released in Japan in 1...
This entry for the famed tactical strategy RPG is breaking away from it's usual fare; Super Robot Taisen OG Infinite Battle is a third person shooting game! Infinite Battle is the...
Punihi Loader 2 is customizable mecha third-person shooter in which the one-headed mysterious cute creature Punihi rides and fights in unique mecha. Customize your mecha by combini...
Mad Stalker is Fill-In Cafe’s first attempt at a beat-em-up. Designed and programmed by Masatoshi Imaizumi and Masaki Ukyo, its systems are loosely similar to the Asuka 120% Burnin...
A otome game by Otomate.
Some 380,000 kilometers above Earth, Consuelo the Space Rose blooms in the moonlight, its origins, and intentions a mystery. It last launched a Thorn five years ago and all that's...
The space federation has assigned you a critical mission on planet Sagoth: defeat the forces of Geisel, a professor turned conqueror. Using lost technology found within Sagoth's ru...
A gargantuan rose looms in the night sky, poised to strike at any moment. Enter Yosuke, a combat pilot on an unlikely mission: to take to the stars with the mysterious Hanaco and c...
C21 Steel Battle Chronicles is an Action MMORPG in which you can customize your very own robot to determine how it fights in battle. Become a member of the Neo Angel Force and defe...
Action mech game developed by Cybelle.
2005 real-time mecha strategy game by Kogado Studio's Iruka Team. Released for Windows PCs. Prequel to the 2006 title Blue Blaster. Created as an attempt to make a more beginner-f...
Drama CD story, featuring interviews with the voice actors and two minigames.
B.A.D is an intense and enjoyable Shoote'em up game that captures the feeling of controlling a mass-produced humanoid robot (Battle Armor) piloted by a single soldier while keeping...
Mecha combat game for the PS1.
Welcome to Greedland, an exhilarating top-down shooter where you play as an interstellar mercenary. Battle through ever-changing environments and annihilate waves of enemies. If yo...
Sequel to the original Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation. This is a free-to-play team battle action game based on the Mobile Suit Gundam series of the Universal Century. Become...
Phantom Galaxies is an open-world online space sim in which initially players take on a pivotal role in the war for control of the sectors of Canis Major. Players will fight on th...
Raimodula is a dynamic arcade platformer, featuring customizable characters and randomized progression. Unlock habilities, fight modular enemies and navigate surreal environments w...
Eight years after a great war was waged between colonies in outer space, peace has finally settled back onto the Earth. Tadashi Himukai, a 17-year-old war orphan, purchases a used...
Take customization to the extreme with the Omega Customization System and battle with one-of-a-kind combat units in this all-new third-person shooter mecha game. Not being restric...
Tps game on mobile where you fight with Mechas.
A vertically scrolling shooter for the PC-98 by doujin group CO2-PRO.