The story revolves around an interconnected cast of characters that possess a power which enables them to see and hear what a nearby character sees. The game was followed by a Play...
Ever 17: The Out of Infinity is a visual novel video game developed by KID. It is the second entry in the Infinity series; it is preceded by Never 7: The End of Infinity, and follo...
Welcomed aboard a luxurious cruise liner, you are spending your time enjoying this rare opportunity. But at the height of the evening, things are not as they appear as a murder bri...
Survival horror and science fiction come together in the sequel to Galerians. In Galerians: Ash, you reprise the role of Rion as he fights the Last Galerians and their evil leader...
Overblood is a 3D action-adventure video game developed by Riverhillsoft and released in 1997 for the PlayStation console. The game takes place in the future, where the player take...
OverBlood 2 is an action-adventure video game developed by Riverhillsoft for the PlayStation. It is the sequel to the game Overblood, released on the same platform. The game was pu...
Innsmouth no Yakata is an Action game, developed by Betop and published by I'Max, which was released in Japan in 1995. Loosely based on the H.P Lovecraft novel The Shadow over Inns...
Группа друзей по незнанию совершает оккультный ритуал, который заманивает их в ловушку в потусторонней начальной школе. Здесь мстительные духи маленьких детей угрожают их жизни и р...
You are a journalist for a paper called The Clarion and you have been sent by your editor to a drugs ring H.Q. in Columbia to rescue a friend who has been taken hostage by the Drug...
Third person survival horror game based on the anime movie and book series of the same name.
A survival horror video game developed by WARP for the Dreamcast. It was published by WARP in Japan in 1999 and then by Sega in North America in 2000. D2 was written and directed b...
Terrors 2 is an Adventure game, developed by Megas and published by Bandai, which was released in Japan in 2000.
Terrors is an Adventure game, developed by Megas and published by Bandai, which was released in Japan in 1999.
Ring: Infinity is a visual novel game. The game begins much like the other stories in the Ring series do by introducing you to the Cursed Videotape. From there, you must find a way...
Uzumaki: Noroi Simulation is a Strategy game, published by Omega Micott, which was released in Japan in 2000.
Uzumaki: Denshi Kaiki-hen is an Action game, published by Omega Micott, which was released in Japan in 2000.
It's set some years after the incident in the first game (where Lila managed to avert a portal into hell consuming the whole world), and terrorists have targeted the industrial cit...
All contact is lost with a submarine on a routine mission which then crashes into an underwater facility. The occupants of the underwater facility are ordered to board the submarin...
In the year 2061, a manned space mission was planned for Halley’s Comet, which would once again be nearing Earth. A team was assembled from eight countries around the world, and sp...
Ib - бесплатная приключенческая видеоигра с элементами психологического хоррора, выпущенная в 2012 году для Microsoft Windows японским художником Коури и работающая на RPG Maker 20...
Morph Girl is an FMV Point And Click/Visual Novel developed as a homage to 90/00's low-fi Japanese horror movies. Inspired by home VHS tapes, Morph Girl intends to evoke the most p...
Irisu Syndrome is a freeware physics puzzle game created by Japanese developer wtatsu, about a group of friends on a summer camping trip that takes a dark turn when one of them goe...
The sequel to Enix's classic PC adventure game.
A non-canon extension of the True End of the original game. Unlike the modern visual novel format of the original game, this retro game perfectly mimics the style of graphical text...
Silent Hill: The Escape is a Silent Hill spin-off game, featuring first-person shooter-style gameplay. Its characteristic feature is a gameplay mechanic called gesture technology,...
The Silent Hill Experience is an interactive UMD Video created specifically for PlayStation Portable. It combines a variety of comics, musics and movies to deliver a complete behin...
Silent Hill: Play Novel is an adaptation of the original Silent Hill for Game Boy Advance in the form of visual novel. It was only released in Japan, but the game has been translat...