Oddworld Adventures is a demake of Abe's Oddysee due to the Game Boy's limitations, and the game is massively shortened to just one area, the Paramonian Temple. A sequel was later...
An advergame commissioned by the British game retailer GAME.
Turkey Stuffin' is a mobile game where players are tasked with cramming ingredients into a live turkey's butt.
Elf Bowling 6: Air Biscuits involved bowling the elf over a mound of snow which sends the elf airborne. The elf could remain in the air by using fart power.
Маленькое несчастье - это интерактивная история, сосредоточенная на исследованиях и персонажах, как милых, так и мрачных, где ваш выбор имеет последствия.