A Donald Duck licensed platformer released in 1995 for the Super Famicom. Donald gets transported into a world of dreams through the use of a Magic Cap, and must stop the evil Mag...
One of the earliest video games based on the Doraemon franchise. It was released exclusively in Japan for the Famicom by Hudson.
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Fukkatsu no Beldia is a 2D platformer bundled with the first Blu-ray volume of the second season of the KonoSuba! anime series. It features f...
White Album 2 is a Japanese adult visual novel, taking place in the same setting as its predecessor with approximately ten years having been elapsed since the events of the first W...
Turn of the Golden Witch is the second arc in Umineko no Naku Koro ni. The arc follows Battler Ushiromiya and Beatrice as they battle over the existence of magic. This is the first...
Umineko no Naku Koro ni: Legend of the Golden Witch is the first episode of the murder mystery sound novel by 07th Expansion, creators of the Higurashi series. This installment ser...
A fandisc sequel to Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo.
Dai-2-ji Super Robot Taisen Z: Saisei-hen, yet another game in Namco Bandai's Super Robot Wars series, is the immediate sequel to Super Robot Wars Z2: Hakai-hen. Despite its billi...
The fourth SNES game in Hudson's explosive multiplayer series sends White Bomber and Black Bomber hurtling through time.
TearRing Saga Series: Berwick Saga, subtitled Lazberia Chronicle Chapter 174, is a game for the PlayStation 2 console. While it is officially the sequel to the original TearRing Sa...
A Spike and Chunsoft produced continuation to the long running Shiren the Wanderer series, which was launched exclusively on the PlayStation Portable in Japan
Developed by legendary Japanese developer Treasure, Hajime no Ippo is another solid boxing game based on the popular Japanese manga and anime of the same name. Unlike the two Victo...
A turn-based RPG adaptation of the Gulliver Boy anime series.
Legend says that there exists an ancient world known as Verle a Zohll, powered by the mysterious energy Verbias. The treasure hunter Connor Macguire and his assistant Rania venture...
A self-described walking simulator with a story and free roam mode. The setting is a rural area of Japan near a train station.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Go For It! Radiant Adventure Squad is a Role-Playing game, developed by ChunSoft and published by The Pokemon Company, which was released in Japan in 2009.
Heracles no Eikou: Ugokidashita Kamigami is a spin-off entry in the Glory of Heracles series for the Gameboy and is a direct continuation of the first game. The title was developed...
MapleStory: The Girl’s Fate is the first title from the franchise to be released on the 3DS and represents a big step forward for the series. It sees you take control of a young gi...
The three King's Field PS1 games form a trilogy relating the saga of a mythical country named Verdite. King's Field 1 (released only in Japan) was the first RPG for the Playstation...
This game is much like Phantasy Star Generation: 1, except that it stands as a remake of Phantasy Star II. Like the first Generation a number of tweaks were made to bring it in lin...
Golf Daisuki! O.B. Club is a view-limited Downloadable golfing game for the Satellaview initially running between August 10, 1997 and August 23, 1997. The game was rebroadcast for...
This is a fan disc of Tsukihime containing one short visual novel story, two omake stories and other fan materials. Akira Seo, an underclassman of Tsukihime's Akiha Tohno, becomes...
This is a fan remake and English translation of the mobile game Before Crisis, released only in Japan in 2004. Before Crisis is set six years before the events of Final Fantasy VI...
Wizardry Chronicle is a Japanese Wizardry spin-off. It is a role-playing game derivative of the original Wizardry games, with a menu town and a maze below to explore, monsters to d...
Rockman 7 EP is a complete romhack of Rockman 7 (not Mega Man 7). Expect all new (and some familiar) level designs, mid-boss battles, auto-scrolling sections, shop items, enemy and...
A 3D Japanese RPG created in 1998 for PC, much in the style of the 'Diablo'. Heavy focus on dungeon-crawling with an NPC village to return to.
The Magic Candle is an action role playing game for the Nintendo Entertainment System.