Akira Psycho Ball is a digital pinball game based on the popular Akira series created by Katsuhiro Otomo. It features the original storyline and the animated film adaptation's them...
Black Belt is a side-scrolling single-plane beat 'em up game released for the Master System in 1986. It is a localization of the Japanese Mark III game, Hokuto no Ken, based on the...
In a dystopian future, a powerful corporation hires a private security firm to execute a violent takeover of a competitor's HQ. Caught in the middle, brave office worker Clea attem...
The game takes place in the year 2097 A.D. in NEO N.Y. The city is run down and controlled by a warlord named Raptor. Raptor has unleashed an army of ruthless, mutating Morphs upon...
It is the late 21st century, and the world has come under the control of a single federal government. One day a new threat known as Abdullah the Slaver appears, causing widespread...
The premise of SD-Snatcher is exactly the same as the original. The game takes place in the year 2042, 50 years after a disaster at Chernoton Laboratory released a deadly agent int...
Hokuto no Ken 2: Seikimatsu Kyuuseishu Densetsu is a side-scrolling action game for the Family Computer released by Toei Animation on April 17, 1987. It served as a tie-in to the a...
Based on the 1994 movie of the same name starring Ray Liotta, the player takes control of Liotta's character, Capt. J.T. Robbins, whose only objective of the game is to escape an i...
After Armageddon Gaiden: Majuu Toushouden Eclipse is an RPG for the Sega Mega-CD.
Hokuto no Ken 4: Shichisei Hakenden - Hokuto Shinken no Kanata he is the fourth Hokuto no Ken video game released by Toei Animation and developed by Shouei System for the Family Co...
Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II is the sequel to Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei. It was published by Namco in 1990 for the Family Computer and is the second video game in...
A role playing strategy mobile game by Fuji&Gumi Games.
An isometric, tactical Turn-Based RPG set in a supernatural post-Apocalyptic world where Heaven & Hell have merged with Earth
Kanye Quest 3030 is a hip-hop-themed science-fiction 2D roleplaying game starring Kanye West.
Fist of the North Star: 10 Big Brawls for the King of Universe is a one-on-one fighting game for the Game Boy developed by Shouei System and originally released by Toei Animation i...
Hokuto no Ken - Violence Gekiga Adventure is a graphic adventure game that was released for Japanese home computers by Enix on May 1986, making it the very first video game based...
Gangsters and cops collide in this free-to-play first-person shooter.
This was an arcade game released in 2000 by Konami (also known as Punch Mania: Hokuto no Ken)
A non-canon extension of the True End of the original game. Unlike the modern visual novel format of the original game, this retro game perfectly mimics the style of graphical text...
Abomination is a squad-based real time action game for the PC developed in 1999 by Hothouse creations
Johnny Mnemonic is based on William Gibson's short story and a subsequent movie of the same name. The game's plot bears more similarities to the movie than to the original story. J...
One of the last commercial games released for the Amiga. This FPS takes place in a futuristic setting and has a body-possession mechanic.
An interactive movie / visual novel / adventure game, released in the early 90s. Gadget has gone on to influence many visionary filmmakers, such as Guillermo del Toro, Alex Proyas,...
Deus Ex: The Conspiracy was the 2002 PlayStation 2 port of the original PC Game from 2000.
Famous for its art design by Aidan Hughes of KMFDM album-cover fame, ZPC is a first person shooter using the Marathon 2 engine. The plot of the game involves the player, a messiah-...
ПОВТОРИТЬ! это игра о девушке, пытающейся найти другого человека в мрачном мире, наводненном биомашинами. Это одинокая и вызывающая воспоминания игра об исследовании неизвестного и...
Conglomerate 451 - это сетевая RPG от первого лица с элементами roguelike, действие которой разворачивается в мире киберпанка. Вы - генеральный директор Специального агентства, ко...
Сухое утопление - это визуальный роман-психологическое расследование, действие которого разворачивается в футуристическом городе-антиутопии. Следуйте истории Мордреда Фоули, беспри...